
Indomie Jumbo Special Instant Fried Noodles 129g

Original price was: Rp7.500.Current price is: Rp7.300.

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Nutritional Information:

Servings per Package: 1 serving
Serving Size (129g):
Total Energy: 600kcal
Energy from Fat: 240kcal
% Daily Value (DV):
Total Fat: 26g
Saturated Fat: 10g
Cholesterol: 0mg
Protein: 12g
Total Carbohydrates: 79g
Dietary Fiber: 3g
Sugar: 12g
Sodium: 1520mg
Vitamin A: 45%
Vitamin B1: 65%
Vitamin B6: 50%
Vitamin B12: 40%
Niacin: 55%
Folic Acid: 30%
Pantothenic Acid: 00%
Iron: 30%

SKU: indomiegoreng129g Categories: , Tag:

English Description: Deliciously flavored and generously sized instant mi goreng, made with quality ingredients and select spices.

Cooking Instructions:

  • Boil mi and included ingredients in 400cc (2 glasses) of boiling water for 2 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  • While the mi boils, prepare the seasoning on a plate.
  • Drain the mi and mix it with the seasoning on the plate. Stir well.
  • Your mi goreng is ready to serve.
  • For soup, pour the soup base into 150cc of boiling water, stir well, and serve with the mie.


MI: Wheat flour, vegetable oil, tapioca flour, salt, acidity regulator, stabilizer (vegetable & sodium triphosphate), minerals, coloring (tartrazine CI 19140), antioxidant (TBHQ).
SEASONING: Salt, sugar, flavor enhancer (monosodium glutamate – MSG), chicken flavor, garlic powder, black pepper powder, and vitamins (A, B1, B6, B12, niacin, folic acid, pantothenic acid).
OIL: Vegetable oil and shallots.
SWEET SOY SAUCE: Sugar, water, soybeans, wheat, salt, spices & herbs, preservative, vegetable oil.

Nutritional Information: Servings per Package: 1 serving
Serving Size (129g):
Total Energy: 600kcal
Energy from Fat: 240kcal
% Daily Value (DV):
Total Fat: 26g
Saturated Fat: 10g
Cholesterol: 0mg
Protein: 12g
Total Carbohydrates: 79g
Dietary Fiber: 3g
Sugar: 12g
Sodium: 1520mg
Vitamin A: 45%
Vitamin B1: 65%
Vitamin B6: 50%
Vitamin B12: 40%
Niacin: 55%
Folic Acid: 30%
Pantothenic Acid: 00%
Iron: 30%

Information above may change. Please refer to the product packaging for the latest information.
This product contains gluten and soy.
Not suitable for people with gluten and soy allergies.

Feel free to add your favorite toppings to your mi goreng, such as eggs, vegetables, sausages, or meatballs.
You can also adjust the spice level by adding chili peppers or chili sauce to your taste.


Bahasa Indonesia: Mi goreng instan dengan rasa lezat dan porsi besar, terbuat dari bahan-bahan berkualitas dan rempah-rempah pilihan.

Cara Penyajian:

  • Rebus mi dan bahan pelengkap dalam 400cc (2 gelas) air mendidih selama 2 menit, aduk rata.
  • Siapkan bumbu di piring selagi mi direbus.
  • Tiriskan mi, campurkan dengan bumbu di piring dan aduk rata.
  • Mi goreng siap disajikan.
  • Untuk kuah, tuangkan bumbu kuah ke dalam 150cc air mendidih, aduk rata, dan sajikan bersama mie.

MI: Tepung terigu, minyak sayur, tepung tapioka, garam, pengatur keasaman, pemantap (nabati & natrium tripolifosfat), mineral, pewarna (tartrazin CI 19140), antioksidan (TBHQ).

BUMBU: Garam, gula, penguat rasa mononatrium glutamat (MSG), perisa ayam, bubuk bawang putih, bubuk lada, dan vitamin (A, B1, B6, B12, niasin, asam folat, pantotenat).

MINYAK: Minyak sayur dan bawang merah.

KECAP MANIS: Gula, air, kedelai, gandum, garam, bumbu & rempah-rempah, pengawet, minyak nabati.



Informasi Gizi:

Takaran per Kemasan: 1 sajian
Takaran per Sajian (129g):
Energi total: 600kkal
Energi dari lemak: 240kkal
% AKG:
Lemak total: 26g
Lemak jenuh: 10g
Kolesterol: 0mg
Protein: 12g
Karbohidrat total: 79g
Serat pangan: 3g
Gula: 12g
Natrium: 1520mg
Vitamin A: 45%
Vitamin B1: 65%
Vitamin B6: 50%
Vitamin B12: 40%
Niasin: 55%
Asam folat: 30%
Asam pantotenat: 00%
Zat besi: 30%

Catatan: Informasi di atas dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu, mohon periksa kembali pada kemasan produk untuk informasi terbaru.
Produk ini mengandung gluten dan kedelai.

Tidak cocok untuk penderita alergi gluten dan kedelai.

Tips: Anda dapat menambahkan berbagai topping favorit Anda ke dalam mi goreng, seperti telur, sayuran, sosis, atau bakso.
Anda juga dapat menyesuaikan tingkat kepedasan dengan menambahkan cabai rawit atau sambal sesuai selera.
Selamat menikmati!

Weight 0,135 kg
Dimensions 5 × 3 × 2 cm


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Indomie Jumbo Special Instant Fried Noodles 129g
Original price was: Rp7.500.Current price is: Rp7.300.